Your Hero

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You should find an "existential" reason to read this blog. Let it be whatever you want it to be. But I promise that you will not find that my facade is constructed by a socialite engineer, but a real person; a person who's life you can relate to your own.

15 September 2008

Part 2 of that last one

Who I Am

My name is Fife. I am 19 years old. I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. I went to school for one year and though I gained honors and was on the Dean's List I left because I did not enjoy it very much. I love techno music. I enjoy listening to Miles David, John Coltrane, Michael Buble, Frank Sinatra, and Bobby Darin. I also enjoy listening to Johnny Cash from time to time. I often spend time thinking about the end of the world. Not from a religious sense with the rapture or an apocalypse because I am not a religious person exactly. But I am practically convinced I will see the collapse of human existence or at least the collapse of our modern ways due to nuclear fallout, peak oil, global warming, or maybe even something more exciting like the evolution of an AI that can become exponentially intelligent. When I'm not pondering the demise of our species I enjoy writing, sometimes like this and sometimes in other ways. I also daydream about future and upcoming video games. When I'm not writing I am usually doing something else like reading, playing video games, or spending time with Diana. (not in that order) I read about anything and everything. I enjoy politics and discussing them and arguing them. I enjoy video games. You can find me on XBL my tag is Beadoleoma. Beadoleoma is a very, very olde enlgish word for sword. It is actually pronounced Bee-ad-ol-ay-ah-mah. Beadol (battle) leoma (light) not quite like that because I don't actually know anything about olde enlgish other than that is supposedly the breakdown. Beadoleoma can actually be found in 'Beowulf.'

In the short term I have several goals. Get back into school somewhere. Learn French. Publish several articles of some sort in the Enquirer. Start an ongoing group about peak oil and localization in Cincinnati.

Diana will have an entire post dedicated to her.

As for politics. . . Sarah Palin I don't like you because you are a creationist. If you are a woman reading this I would urge you to consider joining the WASPs; Women Against Sarah Palin but I am no way affiliated with them. Rumor has it when you join you have to blink.

I think this is all I am going to write for now, my parents are calling me to have some things done. I realize that by admitting I am living with my parents certain amounts of respect is dropped from my name. . . I shall dedicate an entire post about that as well.


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