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30 September 2008

I Don't Much Care for Rap/Hip Hop. . . or "Soulja Boy"

For those of you less inclined to hip hop and rap (especially myself included) the phrase "yahhh trick yahhh" or simply "yahhh" could be used in place of "I don't care" or "I don't want to listen".

Soulja Boy "Tell 'Em" who I will now just call DeAndre Cortez Way or even better just DCW, explains this eloquently as he states at the beginning of his official YAHHH video:

"Man when somebody be[is] in your face on your nerves an[d] talkin' an[d] talkin' an[d] you don't want to hear it (I THINK he says) just be like 'yahhh! trick yahhh!'"

Then throughout the rest of the song the lyrics consist of "yahhh! trick yahhh!" and "get out[of] my face, get out[of] my face."

But don't forget the life changing words that are spoken:

"Let me tell you 'bout the life and how you live when you a star. Every single place you go the people run up to your car. Everybody wants to talk and everybody wants to jive everybody wants a handshake or wants a high-five. And these baby girls always got a friend that wants to talk to you. Ain't got time for chit-chat I'm tryin' to get this money. So get up out my face and do ahead get doney? (that last part I'm just guessing about. . .)"

If you watch the video take note of the growling sounds he makes that sounds like a medium sized rodent attacking something. . .

Of course I don't think the video is trying to be serious or realistic but I doubt that the 75 year old white mailman in the video is of the geographic to know who "Soulja Boy Tell 'Em" is much less what he looks like. . . Oh well I admit that is just being knit picky.

"Leave me alone let me get some peace I'm sittin' at the house shorty and I can't sleep." (I like that rhyme especially I really feel like he captured something. . .

Later on the video he goes to "school" and the song switches over entirely with basically silence backdropping his "report card today man. . . had all F's on it. . . took it back to the teacher and told her to throw some D's on it. . .)

Ok, so let me get this straight. The second part of a music video that I'm sure has received more than twelve million views on ONE youtube video alone, has DCW proclaiming that he got all F's and then telling the teacher to "throw" D's on it. Somebody who is doesn't care gets F's and doesn't challenge it. (I know this because I personally have failed classes that I didn't care about. . .I'm such a bad role model) But seriously, throw some D's on it. If your such a gangsta rebel in school and you stand on the table in your video why not tell the teacher to put A's on it. I suppose that could be a problem for those who's goals are very low in expectations. . .

Not only that but how is this guy getting away with writing hip hop music about his report card failure. I mean how juvenile is that. REPORT CARD!? Am I going crazy? THEN . . .No, no, no you thought I got to the best part? No, then he comes on the camera with silence in the background and says straight into the camera with an off-serious tone, "I was just playin' kids, yall know I made straight A's. Listen to Soulja' Boy Tell 'Em, stay in school. . ." Well clearly we know of several classes that he has not taken otherwise he could not have attained straight A's.
Here is a list:

Music Theory
English - Grammer and Poetry
Creative Writing

What bothers me the most about DCW is his tenacious obsession with himself. He clearly contradicts himself in this video. He shows his stats on everything everywhere. On his Youtube, Myspace, and Website (probably others too) he lists his recorded page views, records sold, and channel subscribers. Clearly he loves the attention. Some people have suggested that it could all be an act. I will admit that this is possible but I would ask at what point does an "act" become who you are. Surely if you are somebody 75% of the time than it is more than just an act. Certainly if the people around you think that it is who you are than you have lost control of your own reality and you have become the facade that protrudes before you. . .This video is nothing. It is a flashy piece of media that adds nothing new to any genre and certainly does not anything deep about the artist. As an audience member I do not gain anything new about myself or my world other than what I can infer based on a personal analysis.

The previous statements show his music is just a sellout to make money. I do not blame him for that. He is catering to an audience for the money it makes. I would do the same. But the main thing is that he carries no humility with him. Hip hop and Electronica sub-genres like Trance and Dance share some similarities. As a fervent listener of those kinds of music I can say that often the lyrics are limited and simple. Like traditional hip hop, (typically) a sample is taken and built upon with limited substitutes while maintaining a consistent tempo and beat. But for trance and dance the beat is what makes the song. It evolves and changes and "entrances" its listeners. I make this comparison to show that the music I personally listen to and would endorse even in my sleep (sometimes it plays even while I sleep) is no different. I am not attacking DCW personally, though I am, I am attacking all musicians, and even all people who are guilty of taking what they have gained without admitting their strokes of luck and random moments of fortune. I am on offense against those who have achieved a fraction of success and not genuinely considered a gratitude of their own half chance. I am entirely guilty of this personally but have tried to make amends by vowing to never again take my life and its prospects for granted.

Oh, and to anybody who loves Soulja Boy and is reading this; Yes, I am very jealous of Soulja Boy and all the money is making at his age and that is why "I be hatin'".

Note: No I am definitely not jealous of his money or fame. I would never willingly take money or popularity for my ignorance. Though I would admit my own incalculable vastness of lacking knowledge.

UPDATE: As a tribute to my profound ignorance this entire post is basically void. I'll leave it up to show how out of the loop I am but here is what a friend told me over an IM conversation. . .

but you know that "throw some d's on that bitch" is a song that everyone makes fun of
like throw some cheese on that bitch

DM Fife
lol what

throw some fleas on that bitch
like d's are really big rims
like 22s

DM Fife
wait so its a pun?

yeah its a joke

OK well there you have it! That's why I listen to Electronica hahaha

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