Your Hero

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You should find an "existential" reason to read this blog. Let it be whatever you want it to be. But I promise that you will not find that my facade is constructed by a socialite engineer, but a real person; a person who's life you can relate to your own.

19 November 2009

Above & Beyond

(From Nov 19th.)

My ears are still ringing 19 hours later. I don't really think that's a good sign, I think that indicates some kind of hearing loss. . . Worth it, it is was so awesome.

It would be hard to describe what trance music can do to someone.

Trance music is no different from any other dance music in it's most basic utilitarian component. A DJ most certainly doesn't make you happy. And the music a DJ plays can't make you happy. But think of dance music as a recipe to happiness. For a few hours, whatever is in that set is a recipe for consistent happiness.

Dance music is intuitive. You don't have to already know the words to the song or the melody that goes with it. Just feel the bass reverberating in your chest and the music beating with your heart. And then just let go. . .

Don't think about what you look like to other people or what's going on around you just let your body move to the rhythm of the and the sounds. Here, give this song a listen Razorfish.

The best thing about dance music is that within just one song, you can feel the lows and highs of everyday life. It takes the most exhilarating highs and puts them into a build and for a split second, if you are really feeling the music, it's pure ecstasy. Still, each track also has the potential to hold the troughs of the lows. It is only from the low's in the song, and the states of lassitude in our days that we find the stimulation of other moments and the feverish elation of heights in the music we listen to. One of my favorite songs that I feel demonstrates highs and lows is Hemisphere. I'll be listening to hemisphere when the world ends.

I love trance music and at the end of the world when the sky is falling down and catastrophe has enslaved our minds. When night has has finally beaten day in their eternal struggle for light and darkness. In the very moment that everything we have and know are lost in the downward spiral of terminal destruction and absolution ruination, look for me. Amidst the ashes in the core of our desecrated humanity you will find me there at a state of peace with everything; complacent and content. You will know who I am by the sounds that you will hear. For the sounds you hear will bring to you what they have brought to me; a state of trance.

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