Your Hero

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You should find an "existential" reason to read this blog. Let it be whatever you want it to be. But I promise that you will not find that my facade is constructed by a socialite engineer, but a real person; a person who's life you can relate to your own.

20 July 2009

This was Sunday Morning

From Sunday morning. . .

This is the halfway point for camp (technically a little past). Five weeks ago, I would have said the halfway point would be good. But, now I'm feeling irresoluteness about the whole thing. Time is flying by so quickly; too quickly.

But in this moment I suppose life is pretty good. It's 9:54 and I'm listening to Paul van Dyk's 'Home' with some $5 JVC earbuds. I realize I sound like a snob, but my $100 Sony MDR-V6's were stolen from here at camp. So, I'm kind of pissed off about that because now I can't experience songs in all their heavy hitting bass glory.

OK Scratch everything I just said. At this particular moment I feel, something. I can't quite put my finger on it. To begin with, this post is completely useless and pointless. I just switched tracks to One Night in Tokyo. Fuck it I'm going running. ..

Most days now, I can't run to the edge. Mainly because I don't have enough time to run long enough to get there. The edge is the runner's high. I started my run today not knowing how long it would go. Ten minutes passed, and my right leg started to build up so much lactic acid, it felt like a lead boot. But, after continuing my run for a while it went away and it was pretty much just running on the music that was playing in my ears. I ran around the entire lake which is about a 1.5 mile stretch, then back around to the other side and then in a loop. So all told it was probably a 5-6 mile run. It took me a little under an hour. On my way back, I stopped by the pier on the lake and looks at the rolling clouds. My heart was beating so fast it looked like the clouds were getting sucked from the sky and out past the distant tree line.

Running is a good time to think and a good time to escape. In the last five minutes of my run, I could feel the endorphins released. . .

What a useless post really. Oh well.

08 July 2009

Day and Night Divided

Yesterday was a good day by all standards. And there was nothing really stopping last night from being a good night either. So when I fell asleep (probably with a smile) before midnight last night, I imagined myself waking around 6:50 and going for a morning run. Few battle plans survive when contact is made; with the enemy, or when the next morning comes apparently.

I awoke about 5 am with an incredible amount of itching around my ankles. Two night ago they were pretty much eaten alive. I have swollen rings around each ankle from being the victim of a mosquito fest. So, at 5 am they itched so bad it hurt and sleep seemed hopeless. . . But honestly, the worst part of the morning was waking to find my wrist in total pain. Unless I hold my palm to my hip, my wrist expels enormous pain. So typing this now is actually not the brightest idea and it puts my wrist at an awkward angle. Sever strain, maybe even a break? I don't know. Regardless, with being doomed to being awake, I decided to go for a run around the entire lake, something I have yet to do.

So to main I went, to grab my ipod. Put on a new found mix and started running.

It was still pretty dark as I started off. I could see light above the tree line but between the tress, forget it, it was almost as good as night. As I left the woods to trek the road, the dome of canopy above my head broke and the sky opened free. I ran below and epic divide in the sky. To my right, night was in retreat with feathered clouds holding gray and darkness against a the coming blue. On my left, the distant tree line was slowly becoming silhouetted by the golden shine of the sun beyond it. And above that horizon, creamy clouds swirled with fluffy bright pinks and silvery blues to make atmospheric cotton candy. As I ran down my narrow path, half of me in night and half of me still in day, I could not help but to feel a new appreciation for the morning. While in the evening, the night battles out the day in the reverse fashion of what I was witnessing, there is far too much noise and an overload of distractions to see it happening in full, unless you plan to. On this morning, I saw no person nor heard any motor. As a looked across the farm field on my left, I saw deer at their safe distance straddled between the woods and the field. They watched as I ran and I watched as they stood. It was an equilibrium that formed as I crossed the road into the diffusion of night.

Well, reveille (from the French 'wake up!') is about to go off so I'll throw up this moment of absurd existential reflection now.

The title is also from one of my favorite songs - Waiting Here for You by The Thrillseekers