Your Hero

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You should find an "existential" reason to read this blog. Let it be whatever you want it to be. But I promise that you will not find that my facade is constructed by a socialite engineer, but a real person; a person who's life you can relate to your own.

11 February 2009


My life has changed a little bit. While thinking the other day a short rhyme came to me, why not post it?

Right about now, you're probably wondering where the hell did I come from?
Changed your name, and changed your place, even changed the beat of your own drum.
But I followed you here because I know your ways
You changed your whole life for just a short phase

You reached up so high while I was feeling so low
I was going too slow so you just let go
Leaving me only memories to grasp
while your fingers lost their clasp
Im falling, ever falling, in slow motion. . .

But I embrace the ticking clock, the constant motion of time
I allow a thin blanket of solitude to surround my anti-serene being
Ever tormented by time itself, I cannot seem to let solace in
I am under the unrelenting interrogation of my past
And the burning bright light on my face is your caustic image
Drowning under a deluge of emotional turmoil
The world slips from beneath me, and I falter
I barely keep myself on the overlapping fabric between reality and my own perceptions
Indeed I feel the fringe of my sanity slowing un-threading itself
My solitude brings winter to my heart
But even surrounded by love, spring doesn't thaw the cold
There is no sunshine here, only invincible shadows
They cloak my colors in gray and steal my smile
And as the whole world fades to black and white
Everything becomes binary; and everything switches off
Infinite loops of zeros become chains that bind me
My own mind is my own prison, and,
I don't want to be freed.